Why Join the Open Road?

Church of the Open Road is authentic, inspired and conceived to meet the spiritual and ceremonial needs of all who seek it.  

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So what does this mean? How does this change your life? The answer is really up to you. Your membership can reinforce a life you are already living or may inspire you to do more…travel, give or create community. Whatever purpose this takes on in your life, it is your path and unique to you. This may or may not change your life, but it is an opportunity for you change someone else’s. A portion of your Membership + Benefits will be donated to the charity of your choice.

What has the Church of the Open done for us?

  • It has challenged us to reconsider what is possible in our lives

  • It has reminded us that everyday we should strive to be a better version of ourselves

  • It has also reminded us that there is always time and ways to give back

  • It has required us to look up more often

This is your church; you define what role it plays in your life.  If you are looking for ideas on how to actualize the Open Road in your life, follow us on social media and or [click here} see how others are finding their way.




Apply to be an ordained minister

Applications for ordination confers the right to preside over religious activities; including but not limited to solemnization of marriage.